I learned a new word this week: pluviophile. It is defined as a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. Which is to say you don't just love a rainy day, it calms you.

Thankfully, I live in New Orleans. We average sixty (60) inches of rain a year. That's five feet of the stuff. Mostly rain comes in one intense deluge as an angry cloud or two literally pop up out of nowhere, say "grrrrrr", and dump buckets, all while the sun shines just blocks away. Occasionally this is accompanied by torrential wind which drives the rain near horizontally into our windows (which leaks, truth be told...we dash about the place with towels to maintain our floors!).
Occasionally, this is a hurricane.
But every now and again it's an entire day, just gray and drizzly and delicious. If we're really lucky a constant but distant rumble can be heard throughout the day.
Those are my favorite writing days. I turn off the music and let Mother Nature perform her symphony as I let the words come.
Yes, count me among the crazy people, who love a bike ride in the rain, or an ankle deep stroll in a flood. Who love to hear the windows rattle from thunder, and the steady shhhhhhh of rain on my roof. Who love a cup of tea and a good read, who love to sit and be still.
Or just be.
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